girl among girls, to act like one, dress and make up like one, even to think like a girl. She found it a delicious experience, even though she had to work hard. On different days she acted as housemaid, waitress, governess to two little girls (TV boys when they were not at the club) cook, needlewoman, beautician. She learned to walk, to run, to throw, to smile, even to feel, as a girl does. She learned manners and dancing from a girl's point of view. She learned a simple but quite effective shorthand, and she practised her typing.
The day came when Valerie told her: "I think you'll do, Jenny. Now comes the first big test: you're going to a Stenographers' School to brush up on your Office Routine, and such things. Now you won't have to act like a girl any more
Jenny's eyes widened, but Valerie explained: "You'll have to be a girl there, all the time. But you'll be all right.
After that you'll go on to the University Typing Pool, and so, if you come through all that with flying colours, you'll be assigned to the Special Group. They' re the typists who do all the Secret and T op secret stuff. When you get established there we expect some- we don't know who to try to pump you. It'll probably be pretty subtle, and if he suspects for a mom- ent that you're not what you seem, we'll never find him. And until we do find him, Dr. Caravelle is not safe. O.K.?"
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"Yes," said Jenny, rather breathlessly.
She need not have felt breathless. At the Stenog- raphers' School the other girls were all new and rather looked up to her. In due course she graduated and went into the University Typing Pool, where she worked for a fortnight on routine typing lecture notes for pro- fessors, synopses for students, timetables and official routine correspondence. Here again there was no prob- lem, and she found her knowledge of the university from the academic point of view very useful; indeed, some of the other girls thought she was extremely clev- er, so that, when she was promoted into the Special